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Understand Procrastination

Procrastination isn't a "bad habit" and it's not "lazy." It's a natural reaction for someone who doesn't harvest dopamine from assigned-tasks. This quick overview tells you how it works.

An Overview of Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a scientifically proven tool to assist in our emotions. This can be especially difficult for ADHD and Autistics, but understanding it can help us commit. 

How Anxiety Thrives

When we want something we don't have, there is a conflict between our emotions and reality. A restless and analytical mind will constantly replay the need for something over and over. This is why goals and effort are so important.

Emotional Intellegence and Time

Our thoughts impact our emotions and our emotions impact our thoughts. When trying to direct our emotions, it's a good idea to understand them in the context of your journey.

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